Pinterest For Etsy Sellers

Pinterest For Etsy Sellers

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Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration for home decor, fashion and more because it is a visual platform that allows users to save and share images of things they like. This makes it easy to find ideas and inspiration for your own home or wardrobe, for example.  It’s also a great platform for Etsy sellers to promote their shops and products.  Here are some tips on using Pinterest for Etsy sellers to boost their Etsy store sales.

Pinterest For Etsy Sellers

Here are a few fun facts about Pinterest that can help Etsy sellers promote their business:

  • Pinterest is a visual search engine. This means that people are often using Pinterest to find inspiration and ideas. If you can create pins that are visually appealing and relevant to your target audience, you have a good chance of getting your products seen by potential customers.
  • Pinterest is a highly visual platform. This means that you can use high-quality images and videos to showcase your products in a way that is both eye-catching and informative.
  • Pinterest is a social platform. This means that you can use Pinterest to connect with potential customers and build relationships. You can also use Pinterest to run contests and giveaways, which can help to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your Etsy shop.
  • Pinterest is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. When you pin a product to Pinterest, you can include a link back to your Etsy shop. This means that people who see your pin can click through to your shop and purchase your products.
  • Pinterest is a great way to generate leads. You can use Pinterest to collect email addresses from potential customers. This will allow you to stay in touch with these customers and promote your products to them in the future.

Overall, Pinterest is a powerful tool that can help Etsy product sellers promote their products and grow their businesses. If you’re not already using Pinterest as an Etsy seller, I encourage you to give it a try. You may be surprised at how effective it can be.

Here are a several tips on how Etsy sellers can promote their Etsy store products on Pinterest:

Create a Pinterest business account and claim your Etsy shop.

A Pinterest business account gives you access to analytics and other tools that can help you track your progress and improve your results. It also allows you to run ads, which can be a great way to reach a wider audience.  This will allow you to add rich pins to your Etsy listings, which will include additional information like the product price and a link to your Etsy shop.

Create boards that are relevant to your products.

When you create boards, be sure to include keywords that people are likely to search for. You can also use relevant hashtags to help people find your boards.  Think about the keywords that your target customers are likely to use when searching for products like yours, and create boards around those keywords. For example, if you sell handmade jewelry, you could create boards called “Etsy Jewelry,” “Handmade Jewelry,” and “Unique Jewelry.”

Pin high-quality images of your products.

Pinterest is a visual platform, so it’s important to use high-quality images of your products. Your pins should be clear, well-lit, and in focus.  

Write descriptive pin titles and descriptions.

Your pin titles and descriptions should be clear and concise. Be sure to include keywords that people are likely to search for.

Promote your Pinterest boards on other social media platforms.

Share your Pinterest boards on your other social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This will help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your Pinterest boards.

Run Pinterest ads.

Pinterest ads can be a great way to reach a wider audience and promote your products. You can target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and keywords to make your ads more relevant to your target market audience with the goal of having a better return on investment.

Use Pinterest analytics to track your progress.

Pinterest analytics can help you track your progress and see how well your pins are performing. You can use this information to improve your results and get more out of Pinterest.

Be patient.

It takes time to build a following on Pinterest. Don’t expect to see results overnight. Just keep creating great content, promoting your boards, and collaborating with other users, and you’ll eventually see your following (and your sales!) grow.

Have fun!

Pinterest is a fun platform to use. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself while you’re promoting your products.  Do you need help getting your Pinterest account going? We offer a Pinterest starter package for creators just like you!

Pinterest For Etsy Sellers