What to Expect at Alt Summit

What to Expect at Alt Summit

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I have been so excited to write this post but I possibly couldn’t before experiencing Alt for myself. Alt Summit is an amazing conference for creators in Palm Springs, CA and I had the pleasure to present as a speaker at a roundtable this past week. Here is what to expect at Alt Summit.

All the Colors

Palm Springs is colorful and fun as it is, but the ladies of Alt Summit are creative, inspiring and full of life! So what does this mean? Be ready for ALL of the colors. Although shopping for a new Alt wardrobe is totally not necessary, I had some fun picking out outfits for this special week.

I mean, I LOVE pink so this was right up my alley and totally suited my personality. If you are planning your outfits for Alt Summit, be ready for the heat and have some fun!

As a mom who usually lives in yoga pants and trucker hats, I really enjoyed having some me time and getting dolled up every day.

Photoshoots Galore

If you thought you’d be taking a lot of pictures, I am telling you, you will be taking even more! While you are at the Saguaro hotel, make sure you do some photo swaps with another attendee. I was lucky enough to go with my good friend and we roomed together at the Saguaro. We made sure to take plenty of photos throughout the colorful hotel in all of our outfits.

There will also be opportunities for head shots and getting your picture taken by professional photographers for free, so always be camera ready!

Be Prepared

If you are wondering what to bring with you, here is a list of essentials to make sure you are ready to slay your week at Alt Summit:

  • Bring plenty of business cards. I’m talking 200!
  • Be YOU! You will meet plenty of life-long friends and everyone loves authentic friendships. Be YOU and I promise you will meet someone who loves you as you are.
  • Clear up your phone storage. Yep – don’t be in the position of panic when you don’t have enough phone storage for the week. Clear your phone ahead of time.
  • Bring a portable charger for your phone so you are never without battery. The hotel reception can be spotty and totally drain your phone before the day is over.
  • Drink plenty of water – with the hustle and bustle of Alt, it can be hard to remember to stay hydrated. There is plenty of free water throughout each hotel venue.
  • Leave room in your suitcase. This is especially true for those traveling by plane. You will be bringing plenty home with you.
  • You can’t do it all. There are sessions going on at the same time at every venue. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get to everything done on your list.

Use the App

The app was amazing for me to stay connected to those I met and remember which sessions I wanted to attend. They also provide you with maps, food announcements and so much more.

The 90’s tie dye event was my favorite! Without the app, I wouldn’t have known about it. Be ready for happy hours, late night dinners and plenty of fun! (ps. you will hardly be in your room.)

Alt Summit 2021

Are you going to Alt Summit in 2021? I cannot wait to see you there!

What to Expect at Alt Summit

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