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If you’re thinking about joining Pinterest, one of the first things that you may be curious about is what your audience may be like on that platform. Who is on Pinterest, and why? Is your content a good fit for Pinterest users? How can you learn more about Pinterest users, and meet them where they are at on the platform? We go over all of your burning questions and more as we dive into everything you need to know about audience insights on Pinterest.
Is Your Audience on Pinterest?
The easy answer is – yes, your audience is on Pinterest. 433 million people every month use Pinterest to search for new ideas. According to this amazing Pinterest Audience Analysis, the amount of people that use Pinterest would be the third largest nation in the world!
Audience Insights on Pinterest
Many think of Pinterest as a platform for future planning, so you can reach users on Pinterest while they are still early on in their awareness phase. 85% of Pinners say they come to Pinterest first when planning a new project. Pinterest users come to the platform to take actions – browse, discover, and buy. They’re looking for new ideas to help make their everyday lives easier (cooking recipes, organization ideas), celebrating what is important to them (graduation parties, special trips) or plan for the future (getting ready for a new baby, decorating a new home). When users are on other platforms, they may just be mindlessly scrolling, and branded content can get overlooked, or even worse, seem like a pushy advertising message.
Pinterest is a Search Engine, Not Social Media
After all, Pinterest is not a social media platform – it’s more similar to a search engine, but better (in my humble opinion!) because you can save your content to different boards and come back to it later in a very easy way. If your user saves your pin, they can come back to it at any time – it’s not a post that goes away into the abyss. This also means more traffic to your website and a more engaged user.
Pinterest is Filled With Positivity
Another benefit of being on Pinterest is that it is a very positive place. People on Pinterest are undecided on what they want and very open-minded – they are coming to the platform for new ideas. You’ve seen branded content across other platforms and sometimes it can be disruptive in your search – not the case on Pinterest. Most of Pinterest’s searches are unbranded and organic content from your brand is waiting for them. 80% of pinners who visit the platform on a weekly basis have discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest.
Here are some fun stats from Pinterest themselves:
- Women make up more than 60% of their global audience
- Male Pinners and Gen Z Pinners are up 40% year over year
- US Millennial Pinners are up 35% year over year
- 45% of people in the US with a household income over $100K are on Pinterest
Now that you’ve learned a bit about Pinterest’s audience, it may be time to dive in and get your Pinterest page started. I’ve put together a list of free resources just for you to make it easier. From blog articles, to getting set up with Canva to create your pins, or downloading Tailwind to schedule them strategically, I’ve got you covered. Check out all my free resources, and be sure to reach out if you have any questions! I’m here to help.