This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission on sales generated through such links. Read my FTC disclaimer for more information.
I get asked a lot what the heck I do all day as a blogger. I am going to share all the deets with you today. My daily routine as a professional blogger involves wearing a lot of hats. It’s more than just writing.
From designing graphics to researching SEO and keywords, there is a lot of aspects that go into running a blog. Managing social media platforms, scheduling pins on Tailwind and creating content is all part of my day to day routine as a blogger.
Not only am I a work-from-home blogger, I am a stay-at-home to three kids and my childcare is minimal. I have 6 hours a week of childcare and that is just for my 3 and 5 year old. My 20 month old crazy toddler is with me 24/7 and she is a handful. I fit in work when I can – such as nap time.
I spend about 10-15 hours a week on managing my blogs and all that comes with it like posting on social media platforms and conference calls with brands. With only 6 hours of childcare, I have another 5-10 hours not accounted for. It can be hard to juggle it all, but I somehow manage. Don’t we all?
I know all of you aspiring mom bosses are wondering what my day looks like. Here is everything you need to know about the daily life of blogger.
My Daily Routine as a Professional Blogger
Email & Social Media
Probably much like yours, my day starts with checking my emails and social media sites, particularly Pinterest. But just so you know right now, Pinterest is NOT social media. It is actually a search engine. When you treat it as such, you will be rewarded in the blogging world.
Did you know the half life of a pin is 1680 times longer than a Facebook post? This is one reason I am obsessed with Pinterest! While other social media posts have a half life of less than a day or less than an hour, Pinterest pins have a half life of 3.5 months! With Pinterest marketing, you will continue to gain engagement on your pins for months or even years to come.
From guest posting and collaboration inquiries to straight up spam in my email inbox, I am constantly checking and responding to emails and messages throughout the day too.
Affiliate Links & Google Ads
I always check my affiliate earnings and Google Ad earnings for the previous day. I also check my Google Analytics too, to see which posts are doing well. Usually this remains consistent unless one of my posts went viral on another site.
I LOVE Pinterest. If you haven’t done so already, make sure you create a business account for your website or blog. You can do this with your current account or by creating a new one. If you already have a lot of viewers and pins on your current profile, I suggest you keep it and just add on your website. Make sure it’s validated. Having a business account allows you to access Pinterest analytics, which is extremely useful for Pinterest marketing and the success of your blog.
Pinterest marketing is my favorite kind of marketing in the blogging world. I have had a lot of success with it. Despite the changes in algorithms, Pinterest has continued to blow me away.
I love being able to track my analytics and see which pins people love. With this information, I can expand on certain topics or create new Pinterest images for trending posts.
There is an unspoken pinning rules that bloggers should follow when it comes to pinning on Pinterest. 20% of your pins should be from your own site and 80% of your pins should be from someone else’s. There are many times throughout the day I am active on Pinterest, both through Tailwind (This is an affiliate link, which means I make a small commission on sales generated through such links) and by pinning manually.
I also LOVE Canva (This is an affiliate link, which means I make a small commission on sales generated through such links). I used to struggle with blog images and taking my own photos. Even if I created a recipe that came out absolutely amazing, the photo never did it justice. I would be embarrassed to even post it.
Nowadays, there are so many quality stock photos for free. I love stock photos. I know not everyone agrees with me, but for someone who rocks at web development and blogging but sucks at taking photos, this really fills that void. Please do not be afraid to use stock photos, especially if it helps you succeed.
Ok, more about Canva…they make it possible to create professional custom images and designs. You can also upgrade your account to Premium for more incredible features. You really can’t go wrong with Canva.
I use Canva to create Pinterest images and so much more. Every day I check to make sure my blog posts have updated and relevant Pinterest images that will thrive on Pinterest. If I find the image isn’t doing as well as I had hoped, I change it.
Upon opening WordPress (This is an affiliate link, which means I make a small commission on sales generated through such links), I always check for new comments and respond as needed. I make sure my posts have a green SEO score and there are no broken links.
I try to write at least two posts per week and for every sponsored post I write, I write fresh content too. Unless you are strictly a review site, do not have all these sponsored posts and no other content.
Every week, I spend about an hour or two scheduling pins on Tailwind. Tailwind is a paid service that pins for you at the best times when you have the most engagement. So instead of having to sit on your computer all day and be ready to pin at random times throughout the day, Tailwind does this for you.
Tailwind also has an amazing community called Tailwind Tribes where you can find other bloggers in your niche and help each other out by pinning each other’s posts.
Every blogger should be using Tailwind, whether you have a how to type of blog or an e-commerce site.
Read more about how to use Tailwind for blogging here!
Creating Content
Creating content has a lot of aspects that many new bloggers do not think about. If you can make your post amazing from the start, you won’t have to go back and change anything.
With creating content comes making the recipe and/or knowing about the topic you are writing about and knowing what you want to say, taking photos and creating images, researching keywords and SEO, adding tags and categories, Pinterest images and descriptions, etc.
My daily routine as a professional blogger is quite complex but I absolutely love it!
There is a list you should follow to make sure you have everything in your post before it goes live!