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Welcome to the Pinteresting Mom Podcast bonus episode – using Pinterest to your advantage during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am your host Tabitha Frost of and in this quick bonus episode I want to share with you all how you can use Pinterest during this tough time we are facing with the coronavirus hysteria.
Using Pinterest to Your Advantage During the Covid-19 Pandemic
I know a lot of us are faced with our kids being home from school for a month, maybe working from home or not working at all and having trouble finding household essentials and groceries. Stores are completely wiped out and people are starting to panic. I want to discuss how we all can turn to Pinterest as people, as consumers, as parents to help us during this difficult time.
Pinterest is a great place to find ideas for activities and crafts we can do at home with our kids, to find educational materials, DIY ideas and even food recipes. We’re faced with having to get creative with what we have and making our own products like homemade hand sanitizer.
You can find some great recipes on Pinterest to come up with meal ideas with the items you may have already. Maybe you can make your own bread or pasta from scratch with the flour you have instead of trying to find pasta in a store.
I also made some homemade play dough for my kids to stay busy. This is great if you have any expired flour or items you might normally throw away.
Pinterest for Online Businesses
If you have an online business or blog, now is the time to get your most relevant content up on Pinterest! Share your ideas, DIYs and recipes with the world. We all need ideas and inspiration while we are at home with our kids.
This is a great opportunity to make your blog content shine. If you have recipes to share that people can make at home, ideas for kids, educational materials, etc., get this up on Pinterest ASAP.
Don’t be surprised if you also have an increase in ad revenue and affiliate sales.