Pinteresting Mom Podcast Episode 5

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You are listening to the Pinteresting Mom Podcast episode 5 and in today’s episode I will be talking about how pins are ranked on Pinterest.


How Pins Are Ranked on Pinterest

The way pins are ranked on Pinterest is extremely important in the success of your pinning and marketing of your business. I will be going over Pinterest SEO and keywords in the next episode which will need to be included in your titles, descriptions and board descriptions.

There are a few different things that are used in the Pinterest algorithm to rank your pin. The first is the title and description of the pin. When you upload a pin (image) you will have places to fill in the title and description as well as the link. The link is also needed to rank your pin and to make sure your audience can find you in some way – whether your website or social media profile.

The most important part of the Pinterest algorithm and placement of your pins are the board descriptions and the board in which your pin is being pinned to. Make sure whenever you pin something it is being pinned to a relevant board.

For example, do not pin a vegan recipe to a chicken recipe board. I like using the example of recipes since they are huge on Pinterest. So if you have an Instant Pot Recipes board, make sure you pin Instant Pot recipe pins to that board.

Write out a full description (in paragraph form) on that board describing what it is about. Perhaps you are pinning Instant Pot recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner or for meal prep. Mention that in your description with keywords sprinkled throughout. I will be talking about keywords, what they are, and how to find them in the next episode.

The most common mistake I see are Pinterest users having beautiful Pinterest boards that have NO board descriptions. This is a HUGE loss of opportunity in the placement and ranking of your pins and Pinterest boards.

Text overlays on pins can also be picked up by the Pinterest algorithm. If you do use text overlays, make sure it is simple and easy to read. If you can incorporate a keyword or two, even better. Make sure the pin (image), title, description and board it is pinning to are all related in some way.

That is it for today. On the next episode I will be talking about Pinterest SEO and keywords. Thanks for listening to the Pinteresting Mom Podcast episode 5.

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