pinterest graphic

How to Report a Stolen Pin

How to Report Stolen Pins on Pinterest

Stolen pins are quite disheartening. For all the time and effort quality pinners put into their content creation and graphic designs, it is maddening when you find your pins are being stolen to drive traffic to someone else’s site. I mean, why can’t you just create your own image to use on Pinterest? What’s the …

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How I Got 1 Million Pinterest Viewers

How I Reached Over 1M Viewers on Pinterest in a Few Months

If you haven’t realized by now, Pinterest is my absolute favorite platform and I think pretty soon it will be yours too. My most incredible Pinterest milestone was reaching an all time high of 1.3 million viewers. I am going to walk you through step by step how I reached over 1M viewers on my …

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Pinterest Marketing Tips for Bloggers

Pinterest Marketing Tips For Bloggers

If you haven’t realized by now, Pinterest is my FAVORITE platform and I am going to tell you why. These Pinterest marketing tips for bloggers will help boost your traffic tremendously! Here’s the deal, many of us have been using Pinterest for years to pin recipes we want to try or browse home decor ideas. …

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